Monday, November 15, 2010

Why We Need Teleportation [and a letter to a friend]

So, this weekend was not a good weekend for a bunch of my really good friends. There is drama swirling, but it's kept down because all the people involved are some of the nicest people I have ever met. If it was anyone else, this would be an explosion of drama and rumor spreading.

But, we need teleportation because I need to give all the people involved a hug. In fact, I needed to give one person a gigantic hug yesterday when she started sobbing over Skype. I almost dragged my mother to the car to go drive to her house. Not kidding.

Then again, maybe it's a good thing we don't have teleportation because then I might have acted on impulse and gone to slap the boy that caused all this, even though it isn't his fault at all and he doesn't even know about it.

I think the benefits far outweigh the negatives though, because I feel like I just can't say what I want to over some video chat. I need to give my friend a hug, or a shoulder to cry on if that's what they need. I need to be there in an instant so that I can tell them that it's going to be okay, even when everything is just spiraling downhill.


Dear Friend [I hope you know who you are],

I really wish that I could make everything that's going wrong in your life right again with a snap of my fingers, but I can't no matter how much I want to. I feel like everything that I say is just making things worse, and I really wish I knew how to stop doing that. The thing is, you were always the person who could brighten up my day when I felt like life sucked, and I just don't know how to repay you. I want to say something that will make you feel better, but whenever I try it doesn't work at all. You always used to be laughing at something completely random, but now you always seem really stressed.

So, just feel better. Remember, that if you need to rant to someone, I'll listen. If there's anything I can do to make you feel better, tell me. I'll try my best.

Me <3

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